The Month for Reminising

2008 May - 2016 May

Created by Sharoane 8 years ago
Its May dearest Nana, and a few memories in May including your birthday Nana. Its been awhile but working long hard hours, my mind is never far away from them who meant so much to me and yet I had so little time with them. Your great Grandaughter Brodie was 8 yesterday Nana, you would have adored her she is so beautiful I was so lucky the day James got to raise her. But like all the bad things in life, she too was taken away from us, unlike you dearest nana life robbed you from me, my dearest Brodie was stolen with lies and hatred and raised with no memories of me of my son or her family, just like I, so similar. I wish people knew the pain it left me with, and could see it does not good to live that hate through a child. We cry for all loss forever as I do you, so its a sad month, I miss Brodie so much Nana, and wished you could have seen her, but I know you can anyway that's lifts me a little, I wish I could say the same for my James, he must hurt very much inside the same way my dad did for all the lost years, its like you have lost to death, there is no presence, sad . Anyway Nana I just wanted to wrote today as things have been a little upside of late but needed to put here that you have been on my mind, your always with me I know that and life has to go the way its been dealt by others, I guess I am lucky to have loved so much even if you were taken away from me, I know your there, and I know your here, and you know I love you immensely with all my heart, you beautiful lady, and Johns Birthday is coming soon and will celebrate you both been lucky enough to be born on the same day, and lucky enough to be sent and given a special love by both of you on your special day xxx